How Mezzanines Can Help Industries To Make Optimum Use Of Floor Space


With constraints and restrictions to expanding floor space in the present day especially for industries, mezzanines offer the turnkey solutions for optimal use of floor space without hampering the existing storage model and any additional construction. Apart from the space utility that it offers, it can be reconfigured if need be and is portable. Also, adding a mezzanine will help you save costs in comparison to constructing an additional building. There is plenty on offer when you choose to have a mezzanine constructed to save space. It can help industries immensely by helping to make optimal use of the available floor and vertical space.

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Additional Rack Based Storage AreasRack Based Storage Areas
Mezzanine floors can help to double the storage space without emptying your pockets. The empty vertical space in a warehouse can be potentially put to better use through the construction of mezzanine floors. It is possible to use standard pallet racking components for assembling a mezzanine thus offering a cost effective solution. There is a wide range of flooring materials available that includes steel grating, steel planking, particle boards and plywood for adding some extra floor space to the existing.

Mostly the raised storage area resembles a rack based storage system only that it is on a higher level than the floor. This is best in the cases of fast moving products. Such storage spaces are also easy to dismantle and can also be fixed in another location if the need arises. In the case of using the mezzanine as an additional storage area, it may be necessary to have specialized handling equipment such as pallet load gates, lifts, chutes and conveyors for the movement of goods in and out of the mezzanine floor.

Raised Storage Area
A raised storage area can come in handy when there is a need for an open layout system without disturbing the current floor space. Through this cost effective system, mezzanines can be designed with minimal number of posts and frames. To add value, mezzanine structures can also be assembled on top on existing shelving systems and racks. The components can be interlocked thereby creating modular structures that can be adapted according to the need of the hour. The flooring can be created with plywood or steel according to the requirement.

There is also the scope for including handrails, pallet loading facilities and stairs for using the new floor. The open storage is best suited for simple processes like packing, cleaning and preparing shipping documentations. Such additional storage can also be used for larger sized products that cannot be fitted into the regular racking system in the warehouse or the industrial floor.

Doubling Your Floor Space In No Time
One of the major advantages of having a mezzanine is that it helps to double your storage and floor space without having to wait for an eternity. The installation and assembling is done in no time and you have additional storage area within a matter of a few days. All this can be done without being a hindrance to the regular working of the industrial area or warehouse where it is installed.

In the case of industrial production, the same premise can be used for both production and storage thanks to mezzanines. This also makes allowance for your business to grow without having to invest in additional premises for the sake of extra floor space. Cost effective business expansion is possible which is why there has been an increase in the demand for mezzanine constructions these days. Also in the case of additional workload or a surge in the demand for products, mezzanines can be used for both storage and simple production processes.

Supporting Automation SystemsSupporting Automation Systems
Production and manufacturing industries have benefited a lot with mezzanine flooring options. It offers the ideal floor space for assembling and production lines as it can be useful in supporting light weight machinery, automated systems while offering additional storage options.

Conveyor systems and machinery for transporting products from one level to the other can be used on a mezzanine which helps in managing, storing and dispatching products in sequence in no time. Lifts and chutes can also be used for transporting goods in a mezzanine therefore reducing manual labor. Automated transporting models work fast and mezzanines invariably contribute to saving time without occupying existing floor space but providing additional space instead.

Using the Vertical Space
Mezzanines are a great way of using the empty vertical space that helps to avoid moving to a larger premise and thereby saves the disruptions that can be caused with the move. It can replicate the available floor space in no time and offers strong and sturdy construction that can support storage, production and assembling functions. It is capable of supporting strong and heavy loads, while offering the space and potential to support automated systems.

More than one mezzanine floors can be added in the case of excessive vertical space thereby offering a complete solution, when there is a need for additional assembling and storing operations. Mezzanines are the best solution in case of leased premises as additional constructions cannot be possible. Also mezzanine constructions do not have legal hassles as it is the case with regular construction models. In short, mezzanines offer more than just additional space to an industrial unit.

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